Spring has exploded here. It seems like just a few days ago the only tree other than the ornamentals planted on the lawns that had bloomed was a small weedy tree. But the poplars are leafing out, the hickorys are leafing out (but not the shagbark hickories), the grass is growing and needs to be mown. Spring has come.
I saw a small red bellied woodpecker today. I don’t know enough to know if this could possibly already be this year’s baby, or just a small one. I saw two birds physically coming into contact with each other. Both were squawking and sounded angry with one flying away from the other. If that’s bird sex, sure doesn’t seem like they were having fun and it lasted less than five seconds. I saw my first fox of the year, who looks to have overwintered well. S/he ran away from me with the good sense of an adult. I haven’t seen any fawns yet, but I think that’s just a question of time and not much time.
The violets on my lawn are in full bloom as is an early spring weed that I think belongs to the nettle family. The violets are really pretty. A spot that had grass filled in by the middle of last year doesn’t have any grass yet, which seems really odd to me. All around the birds are talking and scratching through last year’s leaves. The kale, chard and even some small arugula and carrots managed to overwinter and are growing. I’ve planted the cold weather crops such as lettuce and radishes. I’d plant potatoes, but I don’t really like them, so I think I will save them for only winter storage and will plant later in the year.
The winter coat is put away and I’m busy complaining when it is only going to be 50 and cloudy, a day that would have felt downright balmy a few short months ago. We humans are funny creatures. Spring has bloomed in what absolutely feels like the blink of an eye.
What in you needs to bloom
What needs to be planted like lettuce and potatoes?
What part of your life needs a mate so you can raise young (literally or metaphorically) together?