This was done as part of the homework for Sukkot to Pesach, lesson 2.


May my journey be blessed by the divine, by the Gods and Goddesses that my steps take me to my destination of life, joy and peace. Blessings on my comings and goings. I do not expect a smooth ride without any demons or robbers, but may I be blessed with the strength to do the necessary work with them (Adapted from T’fillat HaDerech)

This is a journey into adulthood. I have begun to teach my soul’s purpose of facilitating earth based Jewish adults. I believe that this is why I have been born into this time at this place. May I and my students be blessed in our journey. I ask not for a specific result, but that they grasp this opportunity and that I be effective at providing them rich material with which they will engage. May I be granted success in building a community amongst us, such that we feel loved and safe to explore both the light and the dark, within us and in the world.

I acknowledge before the animate world that an old stage in my life is ready to die, and that I am ready to be reborn into something new, different, unknown. Like a snake ready to shed their skin, I am ready to shake off the old and put on a skin that fits me better, that is connected to why I have entered this life. For all those I may hurt in this process, I ask forgiveness. For all who have hurt me in the past, I grant forgiveness. (Adapted from R. Rachel Barenblat’s Vidui)

This process separates me from my old self. Yitkadal V’yitkadash sh’mai Rabbah. Glorified and Sanctified be the great name of the divine who has blessed me on this journey. I declare that my adolescent self has died. It is bittersweet because to be an adolescent was to not be accountable. And that made sense when I wasn’t ready. It still feels safer than putting myself out there. And yet I declare myself accountable to fulfill my soul’s purpose, to facilitate earth based Jewish adults.

I seek whatever aid I need in this journey. I welcome all help. I am willing to do what it takes.

Le'chi lach, to a land that I will show you

Lech l'cha, to a place you do not know

L'chi lach, on your journey I will bless you

And you shall be a blessing

You shall be a blessing

You shall be a blessing l'chi lach

Le'chi lach, and I shall make your name great

Lech l'cha, and all shall praise your name

Le'chi lach, to the place that I will show you

L'sim-chat cha-yim

L'sim-chat cha-yim

L'sim-chat cha-yim le'chi lach

I am sitting on my favorite bench in my favorite place to wander through the woods, facing Northwest. Let my offering and my words be accepted. The adolescent has died and the adult has been born.

And let us say Amen.


